This woven sculpture primarily consists of unraveled ace bandages and gauze bandages, which themselves are woven textiles. I pull apart the warp and weft strand by strand for use as the weft in these weavings. Ace bandages have a wide variety of uses, however I draw on my personal associations with them as a means of binding the chest. I utilize gauze bandages, on the other hand, for their association with surgical wounds. In this way they transform from one woven structure to another. These weavings also utilize silk for the warp, as a reference to surgical sutures which are often made from silk. Along with unraveled bandages, long strips of silicone are also woven into the structure. I was drawn to silicone due to its fleshiness and bodily associations. I was also interested in its lumpiness, which to me echoed the exposed flesh I saw in top surgery photos. This torn open flesh, however, exists not hidden under the bandage material, but fully integrated in the structure. The flesh, entrails, wound, or whatever it may be read as, is a part of the bandage weaving, rather than a separate layer hidden underneath.